Futuri Society
Non Incautus Futuri, means Not Unmindful of the Future. Generations of the Lee family viewed their motto as a solemn charge to be aware of the impact their decisions would have on future generations.
Today, Non Incautus Futuri also contains a message for supporters of Stratford Hall: as philanthropists, you can actively help sustain the Lee family legacy and their ideals of leadership, independent thought, and civic responsibility. With your support, Stratford Hall’s goals of preservation, education, and research can be sustained and furthered for future generations.
Futuri Society Membership
Stratford Hall honors its planned giving donors as members of the Futuri Society. Eligibility for membership in the Futuri Society is for anyone who has made provisions for Stratford Hall in a:
• Will • Annuity • Trust • Retirement account • Life insurance policy

Futuri Society Members receive:
- Futuri Society certificate
- Annual donor dinner at Stratford Hall
- Recognition in Stratford Hall’s Annual Report
If you have already made a planned gift to Stratford Hall, we invite you to share your intentions with us so we can welcome you to the Futuri Society. With questions and for assistance on becoming a Futuri Society member, please contact Laura Fortsch, Vice President of Development, by email or at (804) 493-1974.